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It is a Lifestyle Choice – are you pro – “choice”?

Though “sexual orientation” is 8 whole syllables, you’re not really allowed to call it a “lifestyle choice”. You’ve heard your gay or college-aged friends insist, “Being gay is not a lifestyle!”

Promo photo of Robin Leach

If I’d known it was a choice, I’d have chosen this one!

Heck, you may have heard me crow this when I thought you weren’t listening. But they (and I) were wrong.

Being actually gay-identified is a lifestyle choice. The question is: are you pro-“choice”?

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Slapped 5 Million Times

Nice shiner!
Nice shiner? Thanks, neighbor!

Too dramatic?

How to give a hint of the way it feels to be slapped by 5,668,960 people?
Just over 1 of every 2 people I pass on the street, in stores, malls, restaurants, just over 50% of these people actually voiced their opinion:
  • that the stream of heterosexual parents and foster parents who maltreated my children, to the point of losing them, are more deserving of the basics of citizenship than are the adoptive parents who are helping these children heal?
  • that should I die first, my husband does not deserve my social security check, but the money I paid in, all these years, should go to subsidize the golden years of people who neither know him, support him, nor love him?
  • that I deserve to have paid the extra $20,000 in federal and state taxes since being hired by my current employer, compared to a straight co-worker sitting next to me, because I could have kept it if only I’d pretended to love some woman and tricked her into marrying me nonetheless?
  • that in this case and in this country, someone else’s religion should dictate laws limiting my wealth and well-being?
  • that all men are created equal except for homosexuals? Continue reading

You’re Not Doing Enough

I’ve become convinced in the last few days that we – gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender Californians, and our allies, are not doing nearly enough to protect our basic equality,

Make a promise - vow to vote No on 8.

Make a promise - vow to vote No on 8.

our very basic rights.

Nowhere near enough.

Yesterday a straight friend/acquaintance, a mom of a child who went to the same daycare as mine did, was inspired by the No-on-8 bumper-stickers I was making and giving out, and she made her own, MUCH MORE provocative than mine, put it on her car, and advertised it to all her friends.
(Marriage is for Fags! No on 8)

OMG, like it or not, hate it or not, if many more had her passion, I’d see a bumper sticker or 2 in my favor on the 50-min traffic-packed ride to work, for goodness’ sake! Continue reading

Bumper Stickers: No on 8

Hey, I designed these and ordered them last night.
You can order some too, and pack one of these stickers on your own bumper.

Of course, for the Official dark-blue bumper stickers, and more gear, do go to:

LOTS of people don’t know that California’s Proposition 8 proponents are rather likely to win – and take away the newly awarded rights & responsibilities of legal marriage from gay people.

You can also donate.