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Protectors of Marriage – Best of the Best

There are those who live out their own lives as quiet examples of virtue.

And there are those who stand and lead courageously in a battle for morality, tradition, and honor in matrimony. As our nation’s righteous beat back an aggressive onslaught against traditional marriage, let us honor the bravest and truest protectors of marriage, and draw inspiration from the Best of the Best.

Behold, the Best of the Best.
You may ask, “What source of greatness do these men have in common?”
Is it that they bared their souls before their maker as they were Born Again? Is it a humble appreciation for the women who have given so much to support their success?

Please take a moment to honor these men and to examine their work and their lives.



Other Accomplishments

Did more to protect marriage than you think.

Did more to protect marriage than you (or Fox News) would generally think.

Legislative Protections:
Defense of Marriage Act – Just because radical Iowa okays sinful marriage doesn’t mean that decent Californians need to honor it!

Don’t Ask Don’t Tell – doesn’t specifically protect marriage, but does make sure that our soldiers don’t “flaunt it” :
– no “spousal” benefits
– no disgusting “welcome home” displays of affection.

51-plus years of committed relationships:
– 39 year marriage with Hillary Clinton
– 12 year relationship with Gennifer Flowers.

Mark Sanford - our next president?

Mark Sanford - our next president?

American Conservative Union lifetime score of 95!

Demanded Clinton’s impeachment following the president’s sexual scandal, labeling this “reprehensible”.


Likes hiking and international travel.

Not a clod, he truly appreciates a woman, not merely for being a good wife and mother, but also for being his soulmate, and is not ashamed to admit it.

As handsome as Sarah Palin is pretty, he has an air of being loved by God.

Restraint in several other extramarital dalliances: “never crossed the ultimate line“.

Straight-shooter, honest, role mode.

John Ensign: Straight-shooter, honest, role model.

Morals and Ethics:
Publicly called for Larry Craig’s resignation, after Craig’s homosexual airport arrest scandal.

Stood strong against gay marriage.

With his wife, were active Promise Keepers, members of a Christian evangelical ministry for strong families, strong marriages, and sexual purity.

An inspiration
to others who must come clean and repent.

Larry Craig of Idaho, an awful mistake.

Larry Craig of Idaho, an unfortunate mistunderstanding.

Publicly chastised Bill Clinton, on behalf of his constiutents, calling Clinton a “bad, naughty boy”.

Rated 100% by the Christian Coalition: a pro-family voting record.

– YES on a US Constitutional ban of same-sex marriage.
– YES on prohibiting same-sex marriage
– to allow job and housing discrimination on the basis sexual orientation.

Brave denials:
1982: strongly asserted that he did not give cocaine to minors or solicit sexual activity with minor pages.

david vitter

David Vitter, means what he says, says what he means.

Heart and values in the right place: David Vitter video

Brave denials:
-David vitter video.

Two Men With Tans

Um... yes. Fox IS sorta onto this.

Rahm and Barack: seem comfortable together

Hey: Obama chose Rahm Emanuel as his chief of staff.
Rahm Israel Emanuel is part of the Jewish Intelligentsia.
Could it be that Barack Hussein  Obama is not, after all, a radical Islamist terrorist? (I mean, it made so much sense!)
Or more likely that he, Barack (which we all know is the Hebrew word for lightning) is still a Muslim terrorist — but in being so shrewd as to take on a Jewish chief, is showing his true colors also as part of the Zionist plan to control the world? (He said he’d shake hands across the aisle, and that’s some aisle!)
Rahm is also a bit of a hottie, startlingly like Obama in elegance and sense-of-style.
Two fit, well-dressed, handsome, men with tans?
Traveling on business together…
It’s indication, I think, of something more than the usual friendship among men.
(Poor Michelle – it’s Eddie Murphy all over again!)
 A.  Islamic terrorist?
 B.   Zionist power elite?
 C.  Homosexual agenda promoter?
 D.  All of the above?
Logically it’s D; no proof, it’s that feeling… 

Whichever it is, I’m just not too sure about America’s future.

Fox News, are you even onto this???